okeyokey friend ! hari niy buat kali pertamanye aku tak pergi taekwando walau sekali pon dlm seminggu niy! haha , <berkata-kata dgn penuh bangge> btw , that's not my point of story . Todayy nak story-story pasal adik-beradik yg superduper . just don't miss-understanding of what i'm gonna talk about =)
1. Isamuddin
dye budak kelas aku . First day of school , dah berani dah bile teacher suruh berlakon . siap gaye lagi tuh ! kalau aku , first day , themostembaressingdayever. it's like all over the world is looking at you . Sec, dye pandai lah sangatsangat sbb dye dtg dr sekolah sultan ismail ! duhh , tuh sekolah intergrasi kowt * . Third , dye sgtlah baik and berbeza sgt-sgt dgn budak lelaki yg lain . tak paham ?? it's like , if budak lelaki normal akan
-takmalu, bising, suka kcau orang , menggatal and mencarut-
tapi dye lain and beza giler dari dyeorg sbb dye :
-pemalu, pendiam, only bergaul dgn kaum sejenis and sopan+lemahlembut-
tapi kalau aku jumpa orang lelaki yg ciri2 dye mcm tak berapa rapat dgn perempuan mcm lelaki lain akan buat aku mesti rase mcm nak jadikan dye friend aku sbb aku paling benci laki yg gatal + miang . aku suke gak kalau seseorg tuh ade daya tarikan 'mystery' . means aku suke orang yg agak sukar dikenali and dibaca sifat dye .

lelaki jarang yg ade sikap pemalu yg byk right ? so , aku lebih sgt-sgt menyenangi dgn lelaki yg pemalu sbb sometimes dyorg akan jd lebih cute than the cutest thing on earth .
lelaki jarang yg ade sikap pemalu yg byk right ? so , aku lebih sgt-sgt menyenangi dgn lelaki yg pemalu sbb sometimes dyorg akan jd lebih cute than the cutest thing on earth .
2. Irsyaduddin Firdaus
dye form 4 . mmg sumpahgilergiler pendiam . only talk to his beloved little-brother and uwais alqorni azmi . Sumpahh gilergiler genius + einstein lahh sbb he got straight A's for PMR . GOSH ! i really envy of him . how can he get such a genius brain . Yeah ! it's at gift from god but totally i felt just wanna scream out that 'i wanna be a genius person to'.
Btw , these two-super-duper siblings cause they're so genius and also have manners . Just difference than other boy and agak comell . <hanye memuji>