“How to get your crush to like you” “How to know if your crush friend zoned you” “How to know if the guy likes you” How to get a girl to like you” “Flirt like a pro” ???
Preparing yourself to win your love life with these kinds of video ? You believe if you didn’t make the first move, you’ll lose her/him cause he/she is so perfect? You’re jealous towards someone who likes the same person as you do cause he/she managed to confess and be true to their feeling and you feel like you need to do so too as you also wanted to be noticed by your crush?
Yes maybe it will turned that way, but still you need to know. By doing so, you’ll drive him/her astray, if she/he is not emotionally strong enough. If the person also feels the same way as you (which is good for you), you have caused them to have hopes on you or known as “bagi harapan”. Too rely on you to fulfill their love life rather than Allah. Because to believe what you see if easier right ? Whether you’re serious or not, that person may takes it seriously. Caused why? Human’s heart is too fragile you know. Way to vulnerable than you expected it to be. It is an expected counter-back. Even a simplest friendly act can be misinterpret as flirt. A praise can be seen as a pick up line. Cause we are the human who’ll always crave for love from others especially from different gender. We yearn the feeling to be adored by someone. Even me, it is something beyond our humane ability and one’s will because we’re now dealing with emotions. A world which mainly affects the upside down of our life.
“Jodoh tuh kena cari, tak jatuh dari langit”
Even so, why you need to put so much effort in it? More than your efforts towards Allah? Trying so hard to win ‘My Ms./Mr. Perfect’ . Believe it, eventually it’ll come to you. If he/she is really the one who meant to be your life partner, everything will came out smoothly along His aids and guides. But if things didn’t worked out well, it is a hint, a message, a subtle reminder from Him that he/she is not your ‘the one’. Surely you wouldn’t want to ignore that just because you’ve been blinded by your own eagerness to get him/her right? Cause if he/she ain’t ‘the one’, regardless whatever you do, it won’t fit.
“Tapi, Tapi Allah kan sayang kita, dia tahu apa yang kita nak. Kita minta takkan dia nak biarkan hamba dia dalam kekecewaan lagi lagi orang beriman, mesti dia kabulkan, kan ?”
So listen folks, If you still believe that how it’ll goes ? Cut the crap out of your mind.
Nothing beats Allah’s destine. Nothing. Not even our pray, do’a, effort ? Uhuh, none of it will, cause nothing is Almighty than Him and His will. Even if you’ve prayed, cried, pleaded to him to grant your doa, He knows the best, the perfect things that we need which way more important beyond our petty little desire.
So, want to be notice by your crush? Just stay, at where you are now. Stay invisible. Don’t bother cause the right one will see how you shine brightly without your conscience. And if you’ve already have your future husband/wife.to.be, Alhamdulillah I’m happy for you but still. Stay. Remain a good relation yet still keep in check of your distance and behavior. Cause its future-to-be and you’ll never know how the future will goes.
May all of us is in His bless especially in this Ramadhan